Satisfaction guarantee

Satisfaction guarantee without a lot of ifs and buts

Photos tell the story of special moments in your life and keep your important memories alive. When you place an order with ifolor for a photo print, we want you to be 100% satisfied. If there is a problem with the product you ordered, we will make a new one for you free of charge.

Make sure you get the perfect product when you place your order

We offer a satisfaction guarantee for all ifolor products. If there is a design or manufacturing defect in the product you have ordered, or if it is damaged during transport, you will receive a replacement product of the same quality.

To ensure that the product you order fulfils all your requirements, please keep these points in mind when placing your order:

  • Check that your photo has sufficient resolution. Our software will notify you, if the resolution is too low. If the resolution is too low, choose another photo. 
  • Use the preview function and check carefully that the cropping of your photos is the way you want it. 
  • Read any text you write carefully to avoid harmful spelling mistakes. 
  • When placing your order, make sure the product and quantity you are ordering is correct. 

If there are any problems when ordering, we are here to help you.


Your satisfaction is our top priority, which is why we offer a satisfaction guarantee for our ifolor products. However, there are some situations where the satisfaction guarantee does not apply:

  • A double order made by mistake 
  • You have ordered the wrong design or size of your product 
  • You have ordered the wrong product and/or it has the wrong properties, e.g. the photo book you ordered was spiral bound. 
  • A special offer, discount code or voucher has already been used.

How does the satisfaction guarantee work?

If you discover a design or manufacturing defect in your product, or damage that has accurred during transport, please notify our customer service team within 14 days of receiving the product. Under the Satisfaction Guarantee, you will receive an equivalent product free of charge. We do not offer refunds on products.

Here's how it works: 

  • Go to the Customer service page 
  • Tell us why the product does not match the product you ordered 
  • Fill in your contact details 
  • Add a picture of the product 
  • Submit the form, we will get back to you as soon as possible. 

Please keep the ordered product until your case has been processed. In some cases, the product needs to be returned in order for the fault to be rectified. Ifolor has the right to refuse to supply replacement products in the event of an irregularity in the satisfaction guarantee, and we are not obliged to give a reason for such a refusal.