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The 10 x 10 cm Mini Wall Decoration is super easy to install and even easier to change thanks to the magnetic wall mount. The Mini Wall Decoration adds a little fun to everyday life and gives you space to be creative. Best of all? The wall remains free from unsightly holes after removal.
Hang upThe Mini Wall Decoration is suitable for everyone. With the practical magnets, you can rehang your pictures easily at any time and rearrange them in new combinations.
Bring it all togetherWhether a hiking trip, a precious family moment or a selfie, bring together all of your favourite memories on one wall in an attractive collage. Personal, individual and unique.
Square photosSquare photos are bang on trend, not least thanks to social media. With the 10x10, 15x15 & 20x20 cm formats, you can bring the craze for all things square to your sitting room wall as well.
The sophisticated magnet system means that pictures can be attached quickly and easily in any position. Here’s how it works: attach the magnet with the sticker to the wall, then hang pictures as desired. The hanging system leaves no unsightly holes in the wall.
The magnets allow you to rearrange your pictures whenever and however you want. If you don't like something, you can rearrange in an instant or replace with an entirely new Mini Wall Decoration picture!
The Mini Wall Decoration is available in five formats: 10x10, 10x15, 15x15, 15x20 and 20x20 cm. This gives you the flexibility to decorate your wall in the same format for a consistent look or in square formats for a collage look.