Create photo book

Create photo book in ifolor Designer (Windows and Mac), online, or in ifolor app (Android and iOS).

Choose eBook Combi

Select ifolor eBook Combi at the end of the ordering procedure. Price 2,95 €.

Open link

When the photo book is sent you will receive an e-mail with a link for downloading your ifolor eBook Combi.

Technical requirements

The ifolor eBook Combi is produced in the ePub format. For optimal display (double-paged layout), we recommend the following readers:

  1. Download the free Thorium Reader from Microsoft Store. 
  2. When the download is completed, the blue button has text “Open”. 
  3. Drag and drop the ebook file you downloaded into the area framed with dotted line or choose “+” from top right corner and browse disk for your file. By double-clicking the file, it will be opened in Thorium Reader.
Apple Books
  • Open the eBook on your iPhone, your iPad or with OS X (10.9).