Ordering digital photos

Upload images
Change all images
hange individual images
Upload images

Upload images

Click on "Upload" to upload your images from your computer.

Change format(s) of all images

Change format(s) of all images

Under "Change formats", you can set the formats for the selected images. The preset standard format is 10 cm. You can enter the format number directly via the keyboard. To do this simply click into the respective format field and then enter the desired number.

Change format(s) of individual images

Change format(s) of individual images

You can add and/or remove formats by clicking directly on the image.



Under "Options", you can deactivate the image optimisation for your selection and specify whether the file name, date taken or your own text are to be printed on the backs of your photos. The image optimisation in the laboratory automatically improves the quality of your images. Only switch it off if you have reworked your images yourself.



"Especially practical if there is a large number of images: filter according to image quality/format or sort the images according to upload sequence/name.

If you are looking for a particular image, you can filter your images in the text field according to the file name."

Ordering digital photos by software/app

With the ifolor app for iOS and Android you can order photos and other photo products easily on your mobile phone and tablet.

Ordering digital photos

You have your photos on the hard-drive or on a storage medium? Then order your prints simply and quickly online.